Protection Distances

For the safe execution of fireworks, there are legally prescribed safety distances which must be realized at least. The distances depend on the type of pyrotechnic objects and the wind speed on site.
Details can be found in the guidelines of the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM).

We will be pleased to advise you, so that fireworks can be realized at places with smaller dimensions.

Light pictures, Bengal lights: 1 meter

Ground fireworks (Cat. F2*): 8 meters
ground fireworks (Cat. F4*): 20 meters

Light batteries (Cat. F2*): 12 meters
Light batteries (Cat. F4*): 50 meters

Bomb beds, fire pots: 50 meters

Bombs: from 64 meters

Rockets, Rising crowns: 200 meters

Daily fireworks: 75 meters

*Cat. F2: New Year’s Eve fireworks
*Cat. F4: Category large fireworks

The safety distance is always the radius around the firing point.